I am Word through my body. Word I am Word.
I am Word through my vibration. Word I am Word.
I am Word through my knowing of myself as Word. Word I am Word.
I know who I am in truth.
I know what I am in truth.
I know how I serve in truth.
I am free. I am free. I am free.
I am in the Upper Room.
I am in the Upper Room.
I have come. I have come. I have come.
Behold, I make all things new.
It will be so.
God is. God is. God is.
I am known. I am known. I am known.
I know who you are in truth.
I know what you are in truth.
I know how you serve in truth.
You are free. You are free. You are free.
I see you in the Upper Room.
You are in the Upper Room.
You have come. You have come. You have come.
Behold, I make all things new.
It will be so.
You are known. You are known. You are known.
God is. God is. God is.
I am. I am. I am.