Cathy's Classes: Student Comments & Feedback

Comments received after my "Manifesting Your Dreams" Guided Meditation
"Cathy - Thanks for a wonderful meditation session.  I feel a shift in my world and feel much "lighter" and peaceful.  It was great to see you!"  - MN
"Cathy, Yes yes and yes, holy [buckets]. So much change. I feel like a had a pretty massive breakthrough last night and this morning. I just wrote 4 pages about it so I don’t think I can sum it up in an email but I’ll try.  Basically, like you said at the meditation, I aligned with my deepest dreams and desires, so things that don't match up will show up.  Well, remember [private information]...?  I feel like that kind of came full circle...You were right; I did align with my higher self, dreams and desires and these two things that I have asked and asked to feel differently about have truly shown themselves in the most unexpected way...Thank you again for everything, Cathy.  I have felt infinite gratitude for you the last two weeks.  -  BB
"Your guided meditation opened me up to a different tool, the 3D multidimensional body.  I have experienced journeying to other realms,...but this meditation opened me up to something even more expansive...I have already seen changes in myself, the way I [interact with others and the way] others interact with me, and a deeper relationship with the magic all around us...[account here of a very specific clairvorant experience].  There are many aspects of my life I want to start leaning into more, and this is one I feel very called to.  I would love to learn from you and become more familiar with the energy matrix.  Thank you again for holding space for all of us and I look forward to talking with you more."  - MZ
Comments about my 4hr "Living From The Heart" classes
"Practicing easing into the field of the heart was wonderful, the guidance helped tremendously . . . Being able to go into the field of the heart a few times a day should help me find center, and remind me where to keep my focus.  It was a lot of wonderful information . . . I'm still absorbing."     -BK
"I really loved the approach of visualizing holding all of your moments in the seat of awareness of your higher self.  This has been helpful for a quick way for me to tap in
. . . I really loved thinking of my outer ego as my an ally in creating my reality and not approaching my life with a need to dissolve it, but to have it work for me . . . in fulfilling my truest desires."      -BW
"I particularly liked the illustration showing the differences between how love acts and how fear acts.  Most of what I see as impatience or anger is really fear.  Being in the field of the heart during the seminar when Cathy asked us to see the whole world really defined the word 'empathy' for me . . . I felt empathy for every being on the planet, even those who do things that we would consider evil.  I don't think I've ever come close to that feeling before and it was unforgettable . . . Thanks so much, Cathy!  What an experience!  I feel like the whole world just opened up for me."    -MN
"Changed my entire life . . . "  -SK
"The most impactful [thing] to me was the awareness that everything that ever has been or ever will be is simultaneously going on . . . I hope to approach my life knowing that the field of the heart is the key to receiving and giving unconditional love."   -TA
Comments about my 2-day Conscious Co-Creation/Self-Transformation & Healing seminars
"[The most impactful ideas were] the method for dealing with toxic people; the Heart's Desire meditation . . . I think the Feeling-Belief Discovery Tool wil help me change how I think and approach my life situations . . . Cathy is amazing. I really enjoyed the seminar."     -SB
" Sorry, so vast I can't pinpoint my favorite part . . . I have moved into a new freer, funner state.  All the practices help expand and bring more quality to "I."   -MM
"[The most impactful ideas were] ideas and beliefs, hallucination, time travel.  I'm really inspired by taking a clear look at certian beliefs and replacing them and playing with fields.  I feel so inspired.  I finally really integrated some information that I know is going to change my appproach to my life and open up new pathways.  I am so grateful to have met you!'"     -BW
"...I am so grateful for you.  My mind has been thoroughly blown and my world completely opened up!!!  I'm buzzing . . ."    -BW
"Get clear with Intentions and Get The Feeling. Can never hear this enough.  A reminder that I have choices. I liked learning about morphic fields.  Looking forward to incorporating more intention and co-creation into my life."   -BB
"Thanks so much, Cathy. Love, love, love! boy, what an awakening and food for thought . . . Inspiring, empowering and definitely will use to move forward.  Love that triangle idea . . . I found and verified in my own experience how powerful the field of the heart concept is. It's where the magic takes place . . . I found the concept of beliefs truly vital and have been examining my own since.  It is the basis of where we come from and how we can create changes. There is much in the seminar I found empowering and love the idea of a follow-up class.  Also loved the outline of how to deal with difficult situations and toxic people."    -BH


"I very much enjoyed the webinar.  In the past year I have attended numerous webinars and you guys did great.  I am very interested in the advanced class on fields."    -CD
"This workshop will help you see and experience that magic and miracles are possible
. . . The exercises you presented will serve as a template that I can joyfully practice from."     -GG
"Your class is 'Soul Food' - food for your soul."    -SK
" 'Creative power is in the present moment!' "  Whatever you have to teach, I'll listen.  So grateful for this weekend.  These seminars are the ULTIMATE SESSION.  I feel more confident in myself and working with Universal Energy."    -BB
"[The idea that was most impactful was that] You can go to any reality you choose, can get to where you want to be sooner than just trudging along.  Great information: will improve my life and in a faster manner to be my best self possible."    -SM
"A lot of "Aha" moments . . ."   -PC
"This class "Far Exceeded!" my expectations  . . . "This has been great!"    -DM
"[I learned] not to try to fix [other] peoples' attitudes, feelings and beliefs, but work on my own."    -KT
"I will definitely be attending any more classes you offer!  Thank you for giving me and everyone in the class the tools to ignite our souls!"    -SK


[The idea that was most beneficial to me was] "No matter what happens it will be in my best interest - it takes away fear . . . I very much enjoyed this class; I will leave here different than when I came."    -CD
"Allowing . . . You let the Universe do "the work" and Allow.  I feel more in tune with my power as an expression of the Universe. Awesome Class!  I Feel grateful to have been a part of this experience!  Learn and grow!"    -AB
"Now I have the tools for my ego to "transcend" . . . Choose to resonate with the info you need . . . I'm grateful for these tools to live a more meaningful, beautiful life."  -BB
"I liked hearing about the recent studies and information regarding DNA and cellular memories . . . Thank you   . . . You have provided and given me avenues to deal with issues in my life that were holding me back or creating illness."    -JV
"The exercises [we did in class] helped me to become more comfortable with accessing the Heart field.  I will better understand when ideas arise that are incongruent with who I am/becoming.  Thank you!"    -CM
"[This class] went above and beyond my expectations!  Giving myself permission resonates with me and actually taking "time" to go into the field of the heart - both will change things dramatically . . . So glad I found your card 3-4 years ago!"   -SK
"[The most impactful idea was] that you always have choice no matter what . . . LOVED THIS COURSE!"    -SK
"Thank you so much for doing the workshop .  I'm still learning from it."    -KD
"Thank you so much for your time and love energy"    -EP
"Wasn't sure what to expect but I'm glad I came and learned a lot.  I am even more inspired to do my inner work . . . I became clearer on some limiting beliefs I carry . . ." 
"[Which ideas or techniques have already changed or will change how you think and approach life situations?]  The practice of uncovering beliefs . . . Very much enjoyed
this experience."    -CD
. . . the Field of the Heart.  WIll use it to "grow" and to gain more understanding of what it can do."     -JV
[Did this class meet your expectiations?]
"Absolutely" - "Yes - plus!" - "Thank you!" - "Yes, Of course!"   -SK

“I really enjoyed the quotes you shared with us . . . I liked the techniques that were given on “Expansion of Consciousness” exercises.  I’m really looking forward to playing with the different exercises . . . Thank you for sharing you experiences and your knowledge with us.    We are eternally blessed . . .”    -EP


“Knowing I have Choice, not to feel sorry for myself . . . The class gave me a lot to think about . . .”     -EG            


“[The most impactful idea was] All the possibilities.  To know that if we don’t like the choices we have made, we can change them.  No victims, no villains.”   -JP            


“[The most impactful technique] was the belief discovery tool.  It’s a good way to wade through feelings and beliefs and to get down to the truth where real change can happen.  [The idea that will change how I approach life] is being in the Field of the Heart.  When I feel fear, or am anxious, being there will help me get through it . . .”  -KA            


“[The class] strengthened the ideas and expanded the borders of the things I’ve already learned.”    -JP            


“Great class!  Cathy’s got a way of keeping you engaged.  The class was never boring.  She’s full of Love and Light!”    -KA


Comments From Part 2: Field Play Full Day Seminar



[Did this class meet your expectations?] "Yes, as expected and more!  All of it is a reminder that it's OK to live your passion & purpose for yourself, and everything will work out in the best interest . . . I love all the different techniques . . ."     -SK


[The most impactful idea was] Let go of the "How" the process of how I will get to where I want to be . . . being so analytical about how things will manifest [has] ultimately [been holding] me back.  [I learned to] change things within myself when having unpeasant issues, and to bring those people or situations into the field of the heart and give them space to change.  You are the best.  Thanks again for helping me expand my consciousness and awareness.  I'm so stoked about what I'm learning.  Accessing the field of the heart is so much easier . . ."     -BB           


"[The most impactful idea was] the "I Love" exercise: it allowed a flow and you could feel the resonance in the physics. [The ideas/techniques that will change how I think and approach life situations were] The whole class. I like the "suspend the current to move into the new" exercise  . . . A 2-day class on this topic would be Epic."     -MM



"The idea that we create our reaities and can open up to accept all sorts of amazing possibilities . . . Ideas about connecting with the field of the heart and living from the heart field and how it can change our life situations for the better . . .Thanks.  It was awesome."       -GG



"[The most impactful idea was] that I can create my world through desire and intention to live a fulfilling life full of possibility & 'probability' . . . Thank you.  I really enjoyed your class and learned a lot . . ."    -GG


Comments about my 8hr "Field Play: Part 2" seminar


[Did this class meet your expectations?] "Yes, as expected and more!  All of it is a reminder that it's OK to live your passion & purpose for yourself, and everything will work out in the best interest . . . I love all the different techniques . . ."     -SK


[The most impactful idea was] Let go of the "How" the process of how I will get to where I want to be . . . being so analytical about how things will manifest [has] ultimately [been holding] me back.  [I learned to] change things within myself when having unpeasant issues, and to bring those people or situations into the field of the heart and give them space to change.  You are the best.  Thanks again for helping me expand my consciousness and awareness.  I'm so stoked about what I'm learning.  Accessing the field of the heart is so much easier . . ."     -BB           


"[The most impactful idea was] the "I Love" exercise: it allowed a flow and you could feel the resonance in the physics. [The ideas/techniques that will change how I think and approach life situations were] The whole class. I like the "suspend the current to move into the new" exercise  . . . A 2-day class on this topic would be Epic."     -MM



"The idea that we create our reaities and can open up to accept all sorts of amazing possibilities . . . Ideas about connecting with the field of the heart and living from the heart field and how it can change our life situations for the better . . .Thanks.  It was awesome."       -GG



"[The most impactful idea was] that I can create my world through desire and intention to live a fulfilling life full of possibility & 'probability' . . . Thank you.  I really enjoyed your class and learned a lot . . ."    -GG





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