Energetics Fields, Vibrations And Frequencies, & Your Multidimensional Consciousness





"Now I really understand that God is all inclusive, infinite, indescribable -  and is me!  I was inspired by attempting to see another person's vibration... The voice I heard, strongly telling me what my neighbor thinks about his injury, and the unmistakable color associated with how my friend looks at her world is just the beginning... Changing my own vibration and moving blockages is something I was certain I needed you to help me do.  I was able to do that for myself today... It was really helpful to go through the explanations so thoroughly and then practice specific techniques... It was exactly what I hoped for!!!   
"Yesterday, you asked us to go back to a situation that was one way, and then yesterday we went back to that situation, and made it different.  And by golly, it worked!  I tried a situation that I've been thinking about for quite a while, and changed it.  And sure enough, it's gone.  Now I have the feeling I want to have for that situation and the rest of it is gone."    -  MN
"[most impactful to me was] the discussion about morphic fields, and fields within fields...Thinking of those concepts as fields that I have chosen instead of barriers creates more space, first to believe that there are other fields out there, and that the possiblity to choose different fields exists for me...
The idea of acceptance abundance is clearer to me...with a bit more clarity and awareness I see abundance [not only in material terms, but] as manifested in good health, the beauty of nature around me, the safety that exists in my life - among so many other things.  That might be characterized as abundant fields of abundance." 
                                                                                                                -  KG
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In this loving, joyful, expansive, workshop presented in two 2-hour modules, we'll explore the different types of energetic fields (including morphic fields), vibrations, and frequencies.  We'll workshop how to see, feel and identify the energetic fields you and others are vibrating in; you'll learn to make distinctions and choose what you want to vibrate with, versus what is not helpful to you or the world.  You'll learn how these energetic vibrational fields relate to Timelines, Probabilities, Parallel Universes, Time Travel; you will understand how we co-create worlds, universes and realities, and why we have virtually infinite possibilities from which to choose.
You will gain expanded understanding and awareness that will allow you to see and hear where others are coming from, instead of interpreting their word and actions through the lens of your own stories and insecurities.  You will gain more awareness of yourself, and learn to distinguish what is and is not true to your authentic potentials, which will give you so much more self-empowerment to create your own best life experience, and co-create the world you wish to live in.
We'll use lots of real-world examples of energetic field states and morphic fields, and workshop "hands on" experience, using guided meditations to start touching in to actual fields so you can feel their reality and their differences. You'll learn how to identify and consciously manipulate  - intentionally include or exclude - distinct fields and use them as the energetic palette, or infinite set of building blocks of our experience, that they are.  You'll learn to start actually perceiving them in the forefront of your conscious awareness instead of just understanding that they exist on a theoretical level.
This workshop is the first course in my new Awake, Aware Co-Creator Master Class series. The series is entitled "Master Class" because the material is indeed advanced, and at Master level understanding, but there are no prerequisties to attend, because guess what?  Even though you may not know it yet, you already ARE a Master (you wouldn't be reading this if you weren't).  This material may stretch you but it will make absolute sense and ring true for you because you're already there.  During this time of planetary and galactic ascension, everyone is operating at a much more advanced level than they were 10, 5 or even 1 year ago.  So if this workshop is calling you, please listen to that, because it IS for YOU and you are ready to become consciously aware of this information.

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Energetic Fields, Vibrations And Frequencies & Your Multidimensional Consciousness

Informed Consent Agreement/Disclaimer

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By attending or watching this workshop/guided meditation, I understand and agree that:


Cathy Hazel Adams is an intuitive energetic practitioner and a Matrix Energetics® Certified Practitioner, and is not licensed by any state as a Medical or Mental Health Care Practitioner.


This webinar is not a replacement for prudent, professional mental, emotional and physical health care, and is not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prescribe in any way.  Cathy Hazel Adams is not a financial or legal professional and does not offer profess to offer guidance in these areas.


I am solely responsible for my own health care, and for how I interpret and apply the information that comes up during this workshop.  I am solely responsible for my own outcomes.


Specific results cannot be guaranteed.


I certify that I am 18 years of age or older.


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This webinar and the information presented therein is copyrighted by Cathy Hazel Adams and may not be presented by anyone else, or filmed, recorded, duplicated, or shared by any means for any purpose, without written permission.




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Energetic Fields 3-hour 50-minute Workshop in 2 Modules
39.99 USD

Energetic Fields, Vibrations & Frequencies And Your Multidimensional Consciousness 3hr 50 minute workshop .mp4 audio/video recording. Downloadable recording will be emailed within 24 hours of purchase.






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