Mentoring Explained; Who Is A Candidate;                The Awakening-Ascension | Aware Co-Creator | Healer Mentoring Program

Most of my clients come to me on an ongoing, as-needed basis for help changing circumstances and outcomes regarding their health, relationships, finances, and life situations.  Many come to me because they enjoy having a session several times a year.  Others come to me when they need a set of regular, frequent sessions to help them through a particularly challenging time in their lives.


But more and more clients are coming to me because they are awakened, or are awakening, and are ready for a more focused, consistent and committed program of expansion and learning.


These may be clients who are not necessarily "clairvoyantly gifted," but who are awakening and ready to be more aware and empowered as they create their life experience.  They want to gain the tools and understanding to consciously change their own vibrational patterns and experiences for the better, increase their intuitve abilities, have a positive effect on those around them, and proactively make a positive contribution the world.


There are also those clients who are very gifted intuitively, are awake, or awakening, and want help, guidance and one-on-one tutoring to expand their abilities, learn how to  identify, organize and use the sometimes overwhelming information that comes to them, and, in general, gain a solid foundational understanding of the universal primary creative laws upon which all modalities of transformation and healing are based.  In these times of accelerated ascension for the planet, most are actively seeking ascension into 5th dimensional consciousness.


Some may be just starting to realize their abilities and only starting to move toward becoming a practitioner; others may already be seasoned practitioners seeking to expand their abilities, understandings, and use of their modality.  Some may not intend to practice, per se, at all, but simply want all the understanding and skills to improve, enrich and proactivley participate in the creation of their own life experience and the ascension of the human species.


If you are interested in a mentorship program with me, please read carefully all of the information below.  Existing clients may simply use the Cart button below to purchase the one-year mentoring package.  If you are a new client, please use the Scheduling Sessions page to first schedule at least one regular session with me  - a  mentor/mentee relationship, by definition, requires a certain degree of closeness and trust, and we'll want to spend some time together to establish a rapport and make sure we're a good fit. 


Mentoring sessions are always live, real-time and custom-tailored to what each student needs at that exact time.  No two sessions are alike, and no two students are alike.


One Year Awakening-Ascension | Aware Co-Creator | Healer Mentorship Program
999.00 USD

15 40-Minute Mentoring/Transformational Sessions, to be used by single mentee within one year of purchase date; Unlimited Q & A with Cathy via text/email for duration of program; free live & recorded clearings, LIGHTS sessions, standalone classes & meditations; 60% off course fees.





1) Regularly scheduled one-on-one meetings (regular meetings keep you focused, 
    on track, and moving forward).  Two or three per month at first would be best.
2) Free admission to, or download of, all live stream and recorded standalone classes,
    meditations, clearings, LIGHTS or other group sessions; 60% off course tuition
3) Ongoing Q & A contact with me via email or text as much and as often as you 
    need. (Texts for short, sweet questions; emails, please, for more involved topics.)
The areas in which I will help you are:
- Ongoing aware, conscious co-creation of your own personal reality, as well as awakening, and more and more aware conscious contribution and creativity as regards the world, the species, the planet, etc.  I am a conscious co-creation specialist with a lot of experience and can really help you home in on what you are creating and how, and how to change it when needed.

- Continued awakening, expansion of conscious awareness, raising and holding your highest possible vibration (5D Whole Consciousness)

- Sorting through, examining, putting into perspective and helping you frame and understand all the experiences you are having and will have, and all the information  and situations that will come your way.  You will want to call on me to talk through some "fact," technique, theory, or modality that you've comes across.  Or for situations in your personal or family life that have become a snarley challenge. 
- Helping you home in on foundational information (vs distracting or misguided beliefs, stories and constructs) and what is authentic to you as you possibly explore healing techniques and modalities to focus on, whether just for your own use, or with the intention of starting some sort of practice.  I can mentor you regardless of the modality you choose.  (All modalities have their basis in universal, or primary, creative law, and even though I may not be trained in a specific modality, I can tune in through the lens of the morphic field of your modality and offer beneficial insight.
- If you do intend to start a practice, I can help you think about the best ways to set things up, protect yourself from unwanted experiences, gain visibility, gain testimonials, set up the most enjoyable, professional experience for yourself and your clients, and give yourself the optimal foundation for a wonderful, successful experience.  (Note: I am not a financial advisor or legal professional and will not give financial or legal advice.)
Please use the Cart button above to make a single payment with your debit card, credit card, or PayPal account.  If you need to pay in installments, I can email an invoice for two payments of $499.50/ea or three equal payments of $333.00/each, with all payment in full due within 90 days of the first payment date.  No session will be scheduled until the first payment has been received, and sessions will not be scheduled going forward unless advance payment has been received.  If installment payments cease before the full program price has been paid, all program obligations shall be cancelled immediately, and any unused monies already paid will be credited to client's account at regular session rates.  Unused monies paid are non-refundable.
If you are interested in a mentorhsip program with me but feel you need something other than the program described, please contact me and we'll discuss the explore other possibilities.

"In the last several years, I have spent thousands of dollars on coaching and personal sessions with Cathy are what has allowed me to connect the dots and integrate what I have learned into my life in a truly authentic our sessions we have addressed more of the ideas and beliefs as to why I haven't moved forward with the things I have learned.  When it comes to what I have spent on virtual coaching, I would rather spend that on consistent sessions with you because its been what works for me... I feel the changes that are assimilating."  - BB


"Your guided meditation opened me up to a different tool, the 3D multidimensional body.  I have experienced journeying to other realms before, past and future, but this meditation opened me up to something even more expansive...I have already seen changes in myself, the way I [interact with others and the way] they interact with me, and a deeper relationshp with the magic all around us...[account here of a very specific clairvoyant episode with a massage client].  There are many aspects of my life I want to start leaning into more, and this is one I feel very called to.. I would love to learn from you and become more familiar with the energy matrix.


"Thank you again for holding space for all of us and I look forward to talking with you more."  - MZ





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Not licensed by any state as a medical or mental healthcare professional




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